
Friday, 27 April 2012

Geordie Shore

Only in this lost generation that you can put together a group of foul mouthed people with lack of morals who drink themselves stupid and call it entertainment. Shows like Geordie shore is peasant TV. We truly live in a decrepit time. Can't people see as a viewing audience you are being sold second rate TV? I have never watched the show so you probably asking how can I comment on it? Well is the show about a group of people who go out shagging and drinking? Yep I don't have to watch the show to know that that is what it is completely about. From everything I have heard and read on this horrific show has told me everything. Something somewhere has gone horribly wrong in youth culture today and it will only get worse with shows like Geordie Show getting top billing giving the next generation low aspirations in life. As why aspire to be anything great when you can have fame and fortune for being a slag or a lager lout.        

Sunday, 22 April 2012

How not to Cheat on your Girlfriend during Fresher's Week

I have written a new short screenplay it is a bit naughty in places so be aware here is the link hope you enjoy it here is the link

After a night out of drinking during Fresher's week a guy finds himself in a lustful embrace with a girl who is not his girlfriend. We see his Forest Gump like thinking of coming up with a way to get out of the situation or fail and succumb to temptation

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

When a girl is not Wifey Material

She goes out raving Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. SHE IS NOT WIFEY MATERIAL! we all know that bird who no matter what day it is she will be out raving it up with  her favorite catchphrase  ‘You only live once’ Yes we only live once but I am sure there are more important things to do then drink ourselves stupid in bars and clubs in my eyes this is a basic girl a basic girl is just a girl who has nothing interesting about herself whatsoever she’s just a shell a void of fresh air

 If she lives for the weekend then SHE IS NOT WIFEY MATERIAL! in my eyes this shows a lack of ambition (she is basic). From my own personal experience when I was working shitty jobs I was never living for the weekend. I was planning and working out what I can do to get myself out of those jobs and onto a successful career.  Not counting the hours down to 5 pm on Friday and going out getting off my face Friday and Saturday only to go back to work on Monday and moan about my job.  So if she’s living for the weekend that’s a big no no not wifey material

If she has more male friends then you then SHE IS NOT WIFEY MATERIAL! when you text her and ask her what’s she’s doing she texts back and tells you she’s at Jerome’s house, when you ring her and ask what she’s done today she tells you she went to see Michael, when you ask her what she’s going to do today she tells you she’s going to go see Korey.  Now there is nothing wrong with girls having male friends I haven’t got a problem in the slightest with that. The reason why I say she’s not wifey material if she has more male friends then you is because girls like this have one common trait they are all DICKHEADS! Whose favourite topic is themselves, their favourite pastime is talking about themselves to anyone who will listen.

She has pictures on Facebook of herself sitting on nightclub toilets with her knickers down her ankles with a WKD Blue in her hand. Also pictures of herself pissed up laid out on nightclub floors and public pavements with her knickers on display. SHE IS NOT WIFEY MATERIAL! because it isn’t classy and what is a woman who isn’t classy and lady like? Not a woman at all I tell you that for free.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

What Women Want

One of life’s most asked question What do women want?

Well I will tell you free of charge right now, what a woman wants is a guy to be the boss, you don’t have to be the alphas of alpha males but what you do need to do is let your girl (casually seeing, courting etc etc) know you firmly wear the trousers and that they're a good fit now and forever. Now I am not saying I am some sort of expert on women all I know about women you could fit in a shot glass, but what I do know is that a woman wants a man to be a man in the old fashioned sense of the word, a no nonsense guy who she feels safe and protected with.

No matter how strong headed or independent the woman is, a woman wants to feel looked after by her man mentally and physically even to the extent of her being put in her place by him (when it’s called for). Now fellas you can’t all of sudden a year into the relationship try and start to showcase you masculinity if you didn’t do it at the start, you need to start as you mean to go on because your girls just going to laugh at you for thinking all of a sudden you can wear the trousers. Yes we have all been there, when you meet a real nice girl and all of a sudden you turn into one big cliché of cheesy shows of affection, sheddding your masculinity to show this girl you’re a real nice catch, turning into a drenched wet blanket. When in reality all it takes is for you to be a man and show her you're the captain of this ship and just be a decent guy by being a gentlemen which is;

Not trying to drill her after the first date (hard I know but discipline)
Not even trying to kiss her on the first date (I put this 2nd because certain guys try to drill even before a kiss has passed-naughty)
Not playing games that's what your PS3 is there for ( if you have a Xbox I hope you have better taste in your women than consoles)
Not letting her do all the chasing (should be 50/50 in my book)
Treat her with respect

And the greatest of all something I learnt from the first American Pie film is and I quote;

Oz: 'You ask them questions, and listen to what they have to say and sh**

Stifler: ‘I dunno, man, that sounds like a lot of work.’

In reality it’s not a lot of work, because if you like the girl you could listen to what she has to say for hours upon hours zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (cheesy I know but thats for the chicks who might read this)

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Black guys and White girls

‘If you are black man and not ghetto what is the point of you being black?’ that is the message that is coming from a majority of white girls (and some black/mixed race girls) who are attracted to black men only. Now I am not saying all white/black/mixed race girls think this that is not the case there are many girls who do not, I am just giving you an example of the girls who do and the reasons behind it.

You could be dirt a broke black man, dumb as they come, no prospects whatsoever, no ambition, eight  kids by eight different girls, but if your ghetto got a snapback (lol) and dressed like you could be a poster boy for JD sports you will still have your pick of the girls. Now spin that on its head if you're a black man educated, got a good job, nice guy, ambitious, articulate, going places, doesn’t own a snapback (lol) them same girls will not even bat an eyelid at you you are completely indivisible to them. How is that so? It doesn’t make sense. The thing that you have to understand is the media has created this image of what a black man is (from music videos and Films) the way he should act, the way he should talk and dress. It has gassed a lot of girls up beyond belief, where it has got to the point where in this lost generation we are living in the majority of white girls who get into relationships with a black men are attracted to the image the ghettoness rather than the man, he could be the biggest waste of space on road, but as the Rock says ‘It doesn’t matter’ because his hood his ghetto his got that swagger (I hate that word).

A white girl can go with a nice white guy with a good job who’s ambitious, articulate and going places so why would she get with a black man who is like that? Most white girls who tell you they are only attracted to black men and would never date a white man, want the image of a stereotypical black male it has turned into a most have trend like a Louis Vuitton bag or a pair Louboutin shoes now being a white male and ghetto isn’t the same as being a black male and ghetto as the media tells you it’s just white males being wananabes so its programmed into the society as very cringe. Hence why I said a white girl can get with a nice white boy with all the things I listed but he won’t be GHETTO like a black male as the media portrays I use the term ‘girls’ because that is what they are girls not woman but girls at some stage they are going to get to a point when they realise ‘ this guys a wasteman’ they get to the point where they start thinking I want a house a family a nice life nice things etc etc, that’s why you see a lot of white woman marrying African guys (who weren’t born or brought up in the said country) when they reach their late 20’s (or when they have matured mentally) the reason being these guys are going places 100 per cent on being successful and fully driven to get there.

I have experienced this madness first hand myself, I was coming back from work one time had the smart casual look going on smart shirt, navy chinos, nice pair of shoes, in a nutshell I was looking professional. Now I walked passed a group of girls who where in my direct eye line not one of them even batted an eyelid. A few days later I was dressed casual as one can be I had my snapback on now I don’t really wear hats but I wore it anyways as it was a hot day and I wanted to keep the sun out of my eyes, I end up walking pass a couple of the same girls I walked passed prior a few days ago, now this time they looked so hard I thought they was going snap their necks. (That is just a small example I have bigger ones but then this blog will go on page after page)
Now I have compiled a list of what these girls look for in a black ghetto male below:
1. Most be somehow involved in grime scene mcing preferably, or just a guy who writes bars on his phone.
2. Colour coordinated tracksuits, with trainers and hats (looking like you fallen out of a pack of skittles)
3. Has a weed habit
4. ON THIS TING!!!! (see number 1)
5. Jamaican
6. A blackberry is a most as 99 per cent of this girls have blackberrys and they aren’t on sms-ing (how else are you going to get in contact with them )
7. Most talk black (whatever talking black means still to this day I am at a loss)
8. Involved in criminal activities you don’t have to be a mastermind criminal like Professor James Moriarty or even make money in fact make no money, just as long as you seem to be criminal it’s all kosher
9. A wasteman (self explanatory )
10. Do dumb stuff like buy a car unlegitally but can’t afford to run it so you have to borrow petrol money of the said girls I am talking about
11. Any black hertiatge but most act like number 5 (thats for you to look at number 5 if you didn’t realise)
12 A Bokey guy

Spartacus Vengeance: Season 2 Finale

There are not enough superlatives I can rain on the Season Finale of Spartacus: Vengeance, but I will use one here ‘Breathtaking’ from start to finish this has to be one of the best season finales of a TV Show ever and I have seen some corkies such as Spartacus: Blood and Sand season 1 finale, Lost’s Through the Looking Glass Season 3 finale and also its truly mind blowing season 5 finale The Incident. Starz retelling of Spartacus has been critically acclaimed since its debut and holds a 4 and a half star rating on the Rotten Tomatoes website. There was a delay of 2 years of this season coming out due to the unfortunate death of Andy Whitfield (who lost his battle against cancer may his soul rest in peace) who played Spartacus in its debut season. His portrayal of Spartacus was highly regarded as he played Spartacus with aplomb and intensity, so like a lot of people I thought where will the show go with a new actor playing Spartacus? The mantle passed to Liam McIntyre who has done a real good job, and he fully shined in this season’s Finale where all hell breaks loose into a bloody climax of madness. The climatic end scenes with the juxtapositions of different scenes, the non diegetic music and choreographed fighting; is furious, brutal and beautiful all at the same time. In these scenes are some of the best choreographed fight scenes I have seen not just on this show but movies as well. Spartacus Blood and Sand’s (season 1) finale was also a magnificent piece of TV so for Starz to do it again with this finale I was truly taken aback. The art of good TV is to keep the viewers guessing and be unpredictable with where you’re going, they did this last night as you honestly did not have an idea to what was going to happen. Bring on the next season of Spartacus in 2013.

You can watch a preview of it below: