
Saturday, 14 July 2012

My ipod playlist for being stranded on a Desert Island

I 'm compiling a list of tunes that if I had to make a playlist on my ipod to accompany me being stranded on a desert island what tunes would be on it.

The first tune would have to be Dr Dre ft Snoop Dogg - Next Episode and here is the reason why

This tune will always have a firm place in my heart. This was the theme tune to my summer back in 2000. Imagine a dozen or so teenagers hanging standing atop a kitchen work top and slamming the cupboard doors of the kitchen units open and shut along to this tune. With someone by the CD player reloading the tune barely allowing a minute of it to play now imagine that going on for 20 minutes with everyone screaming LA DA DA DA  DA DA DA DA DAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That sums up a smidge of how much me and my boys abused this tune on are youth club weekend away to Pontins in Liverpool. I can close my eyes now and still see guys hanging out of windows, off kitchen cupboards screaming this tune as loud as they can pure and utter chaos. I also  love this tune because it takes me back to a time when me and my boys where still just boys just kids still knocking for each other to see if we was playing out. Taking whole loafs of bread from our houses to go gold fish fishing (we never caught anything) still in love with WWF wresting being able to tell all the wrestlers who had beef with who and who held each belt. So you get the drift a tune with a lot of nostalgia.  

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