
Friday, 4 April 2014

Not all Men are Wankers…Just the ones you pick

‘All men are cheating scumbags’
‘All men are pricks’
‘You can’t trust men’
‘Men are wankers’
‘All men are players’

We all know that woman that constantly verbally bashes men in this way to anyone who will listen.  Telling you for a fact that there is ‘No good men out there’ Jog on! Now I am not saying us men are 100 per cent benevolent, nobody is man or woman. My gripe is if you actual look at the choice of men that these women have picked then you will see the actual problem.

‘The guys are complete wankers…and the women in question knew it before they even got with them’

If you walk through a dog shit infested park, expect to tread in dog shit. If you hook up with a narcissistic, player expect to be shitted on. You can’t knowingly get into something that you know is bad and then expect to cry about it and say all men are the same, when you constantly knowingly get with idiots.

Now there are many cases where women fall victim to guys who just totally trick them into believing they’re serious about them, that they want a relationship with them. Then soon as the men get what they want, they are gone, but I’m not talking about those tricksters or those situations. I’m talking about women who get involved with men knowing that they’re players and wankers.

I was watching First dates, and there was a guy on there that had a really exciting good job, ambitious, and had a lot in common with his date. Who then put him in the friend zone. This women in question called herself a massive raver, loved partying, described herself as spontaneous. One person on twitter said this about her

Chelsea is "spontaneous"apparently! I often find that is usually just polite for raving psycho!!!! #firstdates

And another guy described her like this

Chelsea will end up with Yemi when she's approaching forty and panicking. #firstdates #friendzone

Another girl called Corinne went on two awful dates with guys that were pretty much wankers, with her second date resorting her to tears.  To which she asked herself the question along this lines ‘Why can’t I found a nice guy who will like me for me?’

She then goes on a real good 3rd date, with a real nice guy. At the end we found out nothing comes of the date.

My point of these examples is that there are tons of nice guys out there who will treat women with the respect they’re looking for and give them the romance they’re seeking, but they constantly overlook these guys for the wankers that they moan about.  Repeating the same pattern over and over again:

Meet wanker – give heart to wanker – wanker shits on it - Meet wanker – give heart to wanker – wanker shits on it - Meet wanker – give heart to wanker – wanker shits on it

Till finally the penny drops;

‘I’m getting on a bit now, all I’ve been dating is players and bad-boys I need to settle down and found myself a nice guy’

Those nice guys who chased after you, with you only to ignore them and friendzone them, are not around anymore, as they have settled down with nice girls who didn’t overlook them.

To quote that tweet again

Chelsea will end up with Yemi when she's approaching forty and panicking. #firstdates #friendzone

Don’t be a Chelsea.

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